Sunday, June 7, 2015


Several months ago, all the students at Terra Linda had a unique opportunity to work with Resident Artists and complete 2 glass fusion projects.  One went home as a Mother's Day gift and the second is now incorporated in a beautiful multi-panel display in the lobby. The artists incorporated background that represent Oregon into the layout. Try to find your child!

If you get a chance, you should stop by the lobby to check them out. It's very inspiring!

Terra Linda Field Day

One week before school lets out for summer vacation, we had fun at the Terra Linda Field Day!

Taking a water/snack break.

At the end of the day we had an ice cream social with our 4th grade Play Partners. They are the best!!
Getting some assistance with his ice cream.
We're very lucky to have such great friends!

Special Education Track and Field Day

We had wonderful weather and a great time at this year's Special Education Track and Field Day, put on by Beaverton School District's Motor Team. 
The shirts we tie dyed at the beginning of the year were perfect for the "neon" theme!

First, the big race:
Getting ready:
We got medals at the end and met the officers volunteering at the event.

On to a variety of other events

Everyone gave the long jump their best try!

Some of us were very excited to meet the Beaverton High School mascot.

Time for a little lunch at our station:
Thank you to all of our parent helpers:

Having fun while waiting for the bus.

What a great day! Everyone enjoyed themselves!