Sunday, January 4, 2015

Holiday Party

On the last day of school we had a holiday party with our new Play Partners.  
It was a day filled with friendship, fun and Pajamas!

The morning started with a great concert performed by the Terra Linda Choir.

We then made "grinch" snacks with our play partners.

Some candy cane beading crafts...

Then some skill games in the classroom.
Pin the nose on the snowman:
Tree Hoopla:
Reindeer Toss:
Then the long-awaited for Secret Friend Gift Exchange!
The prior week, the students had drawn a secret picture of a friend out of a basket, walked to the dollar store, picked out a gift for their secret friend and purchased it. Later in the week, they practiced fine motor skills wrapping and decorating it. 
Everyone was patient and excited for their friends and had a lot of fun!

We ended the party with a round of songs!
At the very end of the day, the 1st and 2nd grade students made reindeer food:

What a great day!
Hope you enjoyed your winter break!