Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thanksgiving Feast

The parents of our 1st and 2nd graders were invited to a Thanksgiving Feast, in a grand culmination of our studies on Thanksgiving, table setting and increasing food tolerances.  It was a great time and all the students took at least one bite! Thank you to everyone who came or contributed to this celebration!!
 Preparing the Food and Table

The Natives and Pilgrims welcome each other
Sharing the Feast

Our Thanksgiving Family

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Turkey Story in Music

To celebrate Thanksgiving, our Music teacher, Ms. Stevens, had the kids perform a musical skit. It was really silly and the kids had a great time being the characters or playing the instruments.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Halloween Party

Today was our Halloween Party and the kids all LOVED it!
Everyone looked adorable!
We started the day with a costume parade and then listened to our 
Principal read a story in the cafeteria.

Then our Play Partners came to our Classroom Party.
We made cool spider snacks:

And Played some fun games together:
 Pumpkin Toss
Mr Skeleton gets a new nose 
and a few other fun games.
Best of all - we practiced Trick or Treating!

Our Play Partners are the BEST!

In the Afternoon, we went to the "pumpkin patch"
Picked out a pumpkin
Designed and carved it

What a FUN day!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Our 1st & 2nd grade students are having a great time in Specials!  Several parents have asked me for the Specials Schedule. We are on a six day rotation so specials fall on different days each week. (The first one listed is the SRC special, the one is parenthesis is the 1st grade mainstreaming special).
Here is the rotation:
Day 1: Library (PE)
Day 2: Music (Music)
Day 3: PE (Technology)
Day 4: Technology (PE)
Day 5: Music (Music)
Day 6: PE (Library)




And as a bonus, a picture of our indoor recess space with our Play Partners

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Tie Dye Friday

On Friday, we tie dyed t-shirts to wear to special school events and field trips. The kids had a great time and I can't wait to see how they turned out!

I will post a picture when finished!